Friday, January 16, 2009

Ahhhh .... The Mystery is Solved

If you are wondering where the post announcing my upcoming appearance on The Jean Chatzky Show on Oprah & Friends Radio on XM 156 has gone, here's the deal:

I've been in communication with a friend who pointed out that my prior communication had the unintended side effect of suggesting Oprah Winfrey has built her wealth on carefully crafted legal papers. This sloppy and inaccurate communication dismisses years of hard work by Ms. Winfrey, countless millions given to charity and a global platform that has at its base, empowering each of us to be our best.

I am an enthusiastic admirer of Oprah's work in the world and to suggest anything less was a misstep that I sincerely regret - that being said I do look forward to have you listen in to Jean's show on Jan 21st to hear about finding your best self when it comes to finances.

If you've got a comment or three about Robert's inappropriate communication and apology or want to share about your own experience in this domain, I'd love to hear from you. Just hit the comment link below!


1 comment:

mkierson said...

I forgive you, Robert...Oh! I never saw the original message, anyway.

I wholeheartedly agree with your support and enthusiasm regarding Oprah's work in the world.
