Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Is it Work or WORK?

“Even if our organizations fail to communicate the deeper purpose and meaning of work, even if the culture is non-supportive of work and promotes a victim culture, every individual can still choose to find a deeper meaning in their work thus releasing spirit … and enthusiasm.”

Robert White

As always, I don’t comment on my own words—and offer them for whatever contribution they may make to your life and work. And speaking of contribution, yours can be noted.

With love and respect,


Two personal notes:
I have openings in my Extraordinary Coaching Program. Comment or e mail and let me know if you feel you might benefit from a conversation about your goals and how I might support you in living an extraordinary life.

If you live in the New York City area and would be interested in a “Lunch with Robert” event on February 18th, please let me know.

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