Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Great New Book

My friend and mentor Mark Albion’s latest book was released today and I thought you might have some interest. “More Than Money” is targeted to MBA students and alumni … though I think it would be valuable for any young person thinking about their career choices. I bought copies for my children and a couple of others I coach.

Mark’s a somewhat famous “drop out” …. formerly a tenured full professor at Harvard Business School. He quit one of the most cushy jobs on the planet to follow his heart. His book, “Making a Life, Making a Living” was a NY Times best-seller and frankly, he’s a really good non-fiction writer.

I’ve reprinted his announcement to friends below; or to order (2 or more books gets you free shipping!) you can just go directly to


Warmest regards,


P. S. I also highly suggest you go to http://www.bkconnection.com/proddetails.asp?ID=9781576756560 and watch the brief videos. If you’re only going to watch one, choose the second one done with an illustrator—it’s a really wonderful fable about life and our choices.

"If you are coming to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you are coming
because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

-- Lila Watson, Australian Aborigine

It is my 50th year of trying to prove my parents wrong,
when they told 7-year old Mark, who was selling his two-page
stories door-to-door for 5¢ a copy, "You can't be a writer.
Writers don't make any money." Well, help me prove them wrong
about something!

We do have 54,500 MBAs downloading the book currently at 9 of
the top 10 and 17 of the top U.S. business schools, with a total of
75 schools including many abroad. Nice start. But all downloads are free!

This is the first book where I get the royalties, not Net Impact (the non-profit
organization of MBA students I co-founded) or Social Ventures Network.
So, a good book for "gifting" and if you buy two or more, no shipping
charge. http://www.amazon.com/dp/1576756564

You can see some endorsements to date at
http://www.bkconnection.com/morethanmoney and click on endorsements
(the page also has links to online sellers and my videos).

Thanks for all your support.

in gratitude, mark

MTM offers four questions and twelve principles to help you develop a "destiny plan"
for a fulfilling life and successful career. The key insight is that what you thought
were your safest career decisions may actually be the riskiest, when you acknowledge
that your fulfillment and success will be determined as much by what you give to
others as you get for yourself. The key takeaway:

You Find Yourself by Losing Yourself in Something Bigger Than Your Self

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