Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Since We "Shall not pass this way again" .....

"I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness or abilities that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."

William Penn

Many people are experiencing really challenging times right now and it occurs to me that we should all take note of Penn’s words and, more importantly, act on them. Our friends, relatives, colleagues and the bigger world need our caring and committed participation.

Shortly after my friend John Denver’s untimely death, our mutual friend Judy Hill shared the following with me:

"The first time I heard John Denver sing in person was in front of the old Aspen post office in 1970. He was standing hidden inside a cardboard freezer carton he had painted to look like a juke box. You could put a donation in the slot to Touchstone, the free local mental health clinic and choose your song. He and his guitar would go into action!"

I learned later that at that time, John wasn't famous, wasn't rich and was simply doing what he could for a cause he believed in – building a new clinic. In his case, doing what he could was to SING ... and in so doing, he made his unique contribution. In the 11 years of our friendship, again and again I witnessed him "doing what he could." The John Denver concerts we sponsored for The Adoption Exchange, the Aspen Camp for the Deaf, Give Kids the World and the One World One People Foundation were only possible because of John's willingness to greatly discount his fee and then do all the advance promotional work without charge.

He was and is a powerful influence and model of love in action for my life ... and for many others. Please share your commitments to share what you can by commenting below.

With love and respect,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We owe this world our gifts, and we owe ourselves the experience of giving all we have to this life and to those around us. Life is a shopping trip and we have a finite amount of time to fill our time with experiences. It's not about gluttony, though, but about the richest experiences of life in love and making a difference and human growth. How can we leave this world graced as a result of our being here? Ultimately we end up as ashes or dust. How many lives can we touch, how many spirits can we uplift and leave changed? There is a real chance to be consequential, not a consumer of things. That is a real choice.