Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"If you do not enjoy what you do to make a living, you are a slave in a golden cage and the best you can hope for is to work enough to buy your freedom and then hope that you have some life left to live."

Jonathan Manske

It’s always great fun and an honor for me to highlight the work of local (that is, Colorado) talent and Jonathan Manske has great insight. His little book, “The Law of Attraction Made Simple” is thoughtful and useful for anyone looking to clear, as he describes it, their “head trash” that might be in the way of accomplishment.

My executive coaching work and our seminars have taught me that some people must change jobs to experience joy and satisfaction from their work. However, the majority discover that by getting clear about their purpose and vision, then shifting their attitudes about the opportunity where they are, their current job suddenly becomes rewarding.

My assertion above is grounded in my experience. What’s yours?

With love and respect,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

After years of pursuing a "career" that was respectable, remunerative and what I thought was a responsible mature way to lead one's life, I realized that I was little more than a wage slave, no matter how valuable (or useless) the services I performed.
The key for me is purpose: knowing your purpose and doing that which fulfills your purpose. For some, taking care of one's family is the purpose, such that any old job that accomplishes that purpose will do. Well and good. But for me, there is no substitute for doing work that aligns with my purpose. Then the money I receive for doing it is almost gravy. Almost.