Wednesday, October 28, 2009

"If you do not enjoy what you do to make a living, you are a slave in a golden cage and the best you can hope for is to work enough to buy your freedom and then hope that you have some life left to live."

Jonathan Manske

It’s always great fun and an honor for me to highlight the work of local (that is, Colorado) talent and Jonathan Manske has great insight. His little book, “The Law of Attraction Made Simple” is thoughtful and useful for anyone looking to clear, as he describes it, their “head trash” that might be in the way of accomplishment.

My executive coaching work and our seminars have taught me that some people must change jobs to experience joy and satisfaction from their work. However, the majority discover that by getting clear about their purpose and vision, then shifting their attitudes about the opportunity where they are, their current job suddenly becomes rewarding.

My assertion above is grounded in my experience. What’s yours?

With love and respect,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Problems or Opportunities?

“We are constantly faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.”

John Gardner

A fond memory is meeting John Gardner and sharing lunch with him on the patio of the Snowmass Club in beautiful Snowmass Village, Colorado. He’s a great teacher about leadership and life—and has authored several thoughtful books.

Personal, business and governmental...Today’s problems can seem insurmountable. Of course, they represent the potential for breakdown or breakthrough. It’s all about mindset, language and action. We do have choice and it’s our most powerful asset.

There’s enough about the problems in the media. What are some opportunities you’ve identified and are exploring solutions to? Let all of us know by commenting below.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It's Tough to be Kind

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”


Isn’t this timeless wisdom surprisingly tough advice to follow?

Loving kindness seems to be the central theme to the Dalai Lama’s life and teachings. Being in his presence is to have a direct experience of the power of kindness.

For me, “Mr. Critical,” it’s a challenge to remember and practice greater empathy toward and with others. Turning off my judgment machine and just “being with” people produces better relationships and a better experience of life—perhaps I should do it more often? (a little sarcasm there!)

Your thoughts, as always, are welcome so comment!

With love and respect,


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Do You Want to Own Your Own Business?

“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.”

from a student in an entrepreneur class

I recently attended the Entrepreneurial Thought and Action seminar at Babson College. It’s a brilliant program targeted to a wide range of budding entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs. I recommend it highly and you can find out more at

Our times seem to call for a radical departure from “business as usual.” More creativity, more innovation and more accomplishment—not less. On the personal front, it will require clarity on what you really want, a decision on what you’re willing to give up to get what you want and a willingness to experiment with various ideas and structures. We – as a nation and as a society
need entrepreneurial thought and action.

What’s your “big idea...or three” and what’s your commitment to having it become real?

With love and respect,
