Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Winning and Losing .... or Losing and Winning

"Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even."

Muhammad Ali

There’s a lot of defeat “out there” ... failures in business, in relationships, with investments and retirement plans, government programs that don’t deliver on their promises ... lots of opportunities to develop defeatist attitudes and behaviors.

As I hammer home relentlessly in my book, “Living an Extraordinary Life,” we all have choices on how we respond to circumstances. While we often can’t control the event, we have total control over our response to it—that’s the essence of being personally responsible for our lives.
No one, least of all your humble correspondent, says it will be easy. And, of course, it is a choice and by choosing, we gain personal power.

So how are you doing with any defeat in your life? What are you learning? Let us all share in your learning by adding a comment.

With love and respect,


P. S. On July 18th and 19th in Fort Lauderdale, Florida I’ll be presenting with other innovative speakers and consultants, health & wealth experts, top athletes, and trainers—all focused on building what is called the success-mindset. This is where one begins to breakthrough fear, take risks, to begin finding & living your passion. Your price is only $149 and just insert RW01 as a Registration Code!! Check it out, it is definitely an event worth attending.

After the event, you will not be the same person as when you walked in. Your accomplishments and lifestyle will move to the next level. Personal growth is an investment, so this is something I wanted to share with you. You can visit their website at www.healthandwealthannex.com for details or call 1877-HW ANNEX to register.

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