Sunday, August 31, 2008

Learning to Trust ..... YOU!

“Trust your own instinct. Your mistakes might as well be your own, instead of someone else's.”

Billy Wilder

I am often privileged to work with individuals and groups who want to further develop their consciousness and skills to increase trust with others; and, in so doing, increase the depth, power and effectiveness of their personal and business relationships.

This quote speaks to another important aspect of trust—that of learning to further trust yourself, especially your “gut,” your intuition. My friend and mentor in this domain is Karen Storsteen, a talented management consultant who uses her own intuitive abilities and teaching skills to assist executives in generating higher personal and organizational performance.

I’m encouraged that so many leaders are increasingly turning to experts like Karen to access more of their natural abilities and to trust themselves. I’ll close with a question that we’ve used in our seminars for years...

What are you pretending not to know?

With love and respect,


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Are Your Friendships Aligned to Your Purpose and Vision?

"Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing."

Benjamin Franklin

There’s a certain abruptness in this quote from Wise Ben … and a lot of wisdom.

My friend and mentor Bob Wright has been a great teacher in this regard. He has carefully sought out, chosen and compassionately maintained a group of friends who support his purpose and vision in life. I’m blessed to be included and though I’m perhaps less rigorous than he, have made some progress in being more conscious about my friendships.

In Napoleon Hill’s classic book “Think and Grow Rich” he counsels us that we can determine our income and status in life by examining and averaging the five people with whom we spend the most time. It’s one of those “hard truths” that could motivate a personal review and some new choices for each of us.

With love and respect,


Monday, August 18, 2008

A Thought Provoking Video

Friend Roger Armstrong sent me a link that I've avoided viewing until ..... my vacation in Vail. Hello from a truly beautiful Colorado mountain morning. It's made even more special by the presence of my son Gary, grandchildren Hallie and Lake plus Hallie's friend Shelby. We're hiking, biking, talking a lot and going to concerts ... plus eating too much.

I love this video and would enjoy seeing your reaction to it.

In Service

People sometime ask me why I've launched Extraordinary People and this video captures part of the answer. The seminars I've led and the people I've interacted with over the past five years have driven home to me the state of essential disconnection in our fast moving society.

With love and respect,


Thursday, August 14, 2008

Inspired Visual

Dear Friend Sherryl Stalinski was inspired by one of the Extraordinary Minutes to create this visual. I thought you'd enjoy it also!


Become a True Human Being

"Go forward with steps that never leave any trace. Accept everything that confronts you with a positive attitude......Just make sure you aren't trying to avoid the things that are coming, and don't try to cling to the things that are leaving. Become a brave person who is never stained by anything or attached to anything. Become a true human being, a person who is both the most normal and the most extraordinary."

from “No River to Cross”
by Zen Master Dae Haeng

Since I’ve never met Master Dae Haeng,I am especially appreciative of his unsolicited endorsement of our Extraordinary Living Seminar!

(Next scheduled for September 26-28 in Denver, Colorado. Go here for details:

With love and respect,


Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Happy Endings and God

“If life teaches anything at all, it teaches that there are so many happy endings that the man who believes there is no God needs his rationality called into serious question.”
From “It” by Stephen King

It’s rare for me to make no comment … you can make up your own thoughts about me just because I chose this quote.

Of course, I do enjoy tweaking my reader’s sense of “what’s right” occasionally and comments can be inserted below.

I promise to read every one of them. He He

With love and respect,
